Last February 1st, I attended Prizes Presentation at SK St Theresa Inobong where my son is one of the recipients. Prizes were donated and presented by YB Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok. The seven students received cash amounting RM500.00!! [anak saya yang kaya, bukan saya hahaha]
The next day, the event came out in local paper, Borneo Post.

It was also came out in Berita Harian [
paper from Peninsular Malaysia] which featured the picture of my son and his proud parents ;)

What do you want to be when you grow up?" asked Tan Sri Bernard
to which my son replied, "
an Engineer"
Amen" to that....
During the event, we heard YB Tan Sri Bernard giving valuable speeches and one of the topics he mentioned was as below which is to me should be given fully attention especially from the government.