Last Saturday, after sending my daughter to school I went to Avon's shop at Donggongon. Upon reaching there, I heard loud music. No idea what occasion it was, I went in to buy my stuff. Later, they told me that Nasha Aziz, who is currently the Avon's model is coming. I forgot to ask she's coming for what. But most probably I think promoting Avon's product.

The counter was busy and I have to wait quite a while for my turn. When my turn came up, I was told that if I buy Avon's product more than RM100.00 I am entitled for a free night bag and a lucky draw. I am also entitle to be maked-up by professional make-up artist and have the chance to take pictures with Nasha Aziz.

But when they told me that Nasha Aziz is only showing up at 2.30pm, I declined the offer coz I have a lot of things to be done that day.

Two professional make-up artists doing their job. They were so busy and sweating :D as many ladies queing up waiting for their turn.

Once they were finished, photographs will be taken and they were given some tokens too. Too bad, I didn't bring my camera. I took these pictures using my mobile phone.

Lucky for them! They will have the chance to meet Nasha Aziz, take photos with her and get some autographs.

Gifts to be given to all the Avon's models. Lucky kan!

Anyways, I got one too! After shopping for more than RM100.00, they gave me this for free. Nice bag. And of course with the door gift too.

Later in the evening, we went to church for sunset's Mass at Sacred Heart Inobong. I feel so sad to see the attendance. Where did all the believers gone to? The Church looked empty.
After Mass, I saw my aunty carrying her grand-daughter, Natalia. She is so cute that I couldn't resist to carry her and kissed her all over! She looks like my daughter when she was a baby :)