Xander is back! He is jumping, climbing and kicking! Thank you so much to all relatives, friends, bloggers and colleagues for your concern, advice and prayers.
He was discharged on the 2nd of September 2008. He is still need to be reviewed but what matter most is, he is recovering and doing fine.
Hi Phil,
Sa rasa sa miss ko punya post pasal ur nephew.
What happen to him ya?
Doi gia Phil.... it's good to know that Xander has fully recovered... He looks well and active... thank God.
dia high fever bah..suspected malaria in the first place...thank God...it was only some sort of infection
ya Dora..thank God..
I just came back visiting him at my parents' house..he's quite pale..but other than that...he is fine..
thank u kio..
Good to hear this phil ..Thank God he is back active young boy
Ya bah Cay...he is very active if he is not sick
thank God...he is recovering
Yeaaahh! The picture tell it all. Thank God he has fully recovered.
Thank you Hilda..for all the concern and prayer kio..
He is doing fine and back to himself again :)
2nd photo xander was like "yes m goin home for my tv" and he did!
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