To those of you who forgot the time of our Christmas Eve's and Christmas Day's Masses around Inobong, I list them down here:
24th December 2009Inobong - 5.00pm - Rev. Fr. Alex Sipanul
Kolopis - 10.00pm - Rev. Fr. Jalius Sading
Pogunon - 10.00pm - Rev. Fr. Michael Modoit
25th December 2009Inobong - 7.30am - Rev. Fr. Jalius Sading
Kolopis - 7.30am - Catechist
26th December 2009Inobong - 6.00pm - Rev. Fr. Jalius Sading
Kolopis - 6.00pm - Rev. Fr. Rayner Bisius
27th December 2009Inobong - 7.30am - Catechist
Pogunon - 7.30am - Catechist